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Park Services -
With the Springfield Park District serving approximately 114,000 residents within our boundaries and in pocket township areas, our green space, and facilities encompass the greater portion of the Springfield metropolitan area, covering approximately 60 square miles, 2,500 acres of parkland, 322 acres of Nature Preserve, 36 parks, 23 miles of bike trails, and four golf courses.
The Springfield Park District is Your Place to Play! We strive to deliver exceptional value to our community. Less than six percent of the average Springfield resident's total tax bill is attributed to the Springfield Park District, making it possible for us to provide the parks, facilities, programs, and events that “create opportunities for a healthy community.” You will find your FUN and find your smile with us!
With that in mind, this is accomplished daily through the dedication and hard work of our staff maintaining our parks, playgrounds, natural areas, and golf courses where you and your family can play, gather, celebrate, learn, and enjoy the outdoors. In addition, we have 20+ robust recreation facilities and a large array of rental space for gathering.
General, Natural Resources, Park & Golf Maintenance Departments -
In order to manage, maintain, build, repair, and daily mow 2500 acres a week each season, it takes a pretty robust Maintenance Division.
We operate year-round, even though we think of parks and recreation as being a "summer" season. We employ approximately 25 full-time maintenance employees and over 100 seasonal maintenance employees to assist in our peak season from April - October annually.
This department has oversite from our Director of Parks & Planning and is then divided into four segments.
Jason Graham
Director of Parks & Planning
2500 S 11th St, Spfld IL 62703
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General Maintenance
The General Maintenance division has oversite by the Park District Project Manager. This division is comprised of our trades maintenance staff including carpenters, plumbers, electricians, HVAC, painters, heavy equipment operators, and more.
The General Maintenance team monitors and maintains over 15 recreation facilities when large repairs are needed, or on-site construction is in progress. Our Park District Project Manager has oversite of most Capital Improvement projects. They build playgrounds, picnic shelters, dog parks, and so much more!
Current, recent, but not limited to -
- Duncan Park Playground Renovation/Build
- Iles Park OSLAD Grant projects; Playground, Skate Park, Walking Paths, Field Improvements
- Bergen Park Playground Renovation/Build
- Comer Cox Fitness Court
- Comer Cox Pump Track
- Centennial Park Dog Park
- Paul A. Barker Park Picnic Pavilion
General Maintenance Staff:
John Turasky
Project Manager
301 Eastdale Ave, Spfld IL 62703
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Taneeka Edmonson
Admin Assist for Maint.
301 Eastdale Ave, Spfld IL 62703
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*Administrative Assistant works with all of the Maintenance Division Managers.
Natural Resources
The Natural Resources division has oversite by the Park District Arborist. This division is responsible for our daily waste management, the Park District recycling program, our forestry, and tree crews. They participate in Annual Earth Awareness activities in April around the park systems involving hundreds of community groups, teachers, and local students to plant new trees annually. We like to say... "Every Day is Earth Day" at the Springfield Park District!
Here are just a few of the initiatives the Natural Resources division implements each season:

- For every tree that comes down by decay or from a storm in our parks, the Park District Arborist plants 2-3 new ones in its place.
- Recycle over 20 tons of paper, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and glass every year.
- Maintain 322 acres of nature preserve and are about to dedicate 113 acres of Riverside Park to a “Land and Water Reserve”
- Planted and maintain 70 acres of prairie grass at Centennial Park for wildlife habitat. This area supports efforts to preserve the habit for the Franklin's Ground Squirrel, provides hiking paths and continued education through interpretive signage.
- Use prescribed burns to insure the health of the prairie and even the upland Oak Forest when possible.
- Nearly 1000 volunteers per year help with planting, mulching and trash removal throughout the district.
Natural Resource Manager:
Chuck Smith
Park District Arborist
301 Eastdale Ave, Spfld IL 62703
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*Administrative Assistant works with all of the Maintenance Division Managers.
Park Maintenance
The Park Area Maintenance division has oversite from a Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Park Area Maintenance. This division has seven areas of park maintenance that are comprised of 36 parks. These maintenance areas, led by foremen, often times have multiple parks in their area that they maintain and service each day with mowing, weed trimming, trash, picnic shelter reservation management, and more.
Park Area Maintenance Staff:
Mark Adkins, CPSI
Superintendent Park Maintenance
301 Eastdale Ave, Spfld IL 62703
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James Schackmann
Superintendent of Park Maintenance
301 Eastdale Ave, Spfld IL 62703
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*Administrative Assistant works with all of the Maintenance Division Managers.
Golf Maintenance
The Golf Maintenance division has oversite from the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for golf. This division manages our four park golf courses. We host two 18-hole and two 9-hole courses; Bunn, Lincoln Greens, Bergen & Pasfield. Our park golf courses are some of the most highly trafficked locations within the district and are under constant review by the patrons and public.
They work tirelessly to properly maintain and manage golf grounds so that all resources work as expected for public use. It may include repairs, mowing, aeration, change hole locations, move tee markers, rake bunkers, and clean up debris. These tasks generally hit very early morning prior to the courses opening for the day.
Current, recent, but not limited to -
- Cart paths at Lincoln Greens
- Irrigation systems at Bunn & Lincoln Greens
- Water shed study and construction at Lincoln Greens
- Invasive species mitigation at Bunn and Lincoln Greens
Golf Maintenance Staff:
Dan Crumrine
Superintendent of Golf Courses
700 E Lake Shore Dr, Spfld IL 62712
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Arden Lear
Asst. Superintendent Golf Courses
700 E Lake Shore Dr, Spfld IL 62712
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*Administrative Assistant works with all of the Maintenance Division Managers.